Monday, August 10, 2009

Bleighton, Take 2!

^What is your hand doing there Miss. Meester?

I know I already have a post about them. But they just outgay themselves more and more. How cute are they in these photos. :)

^The look. They have so many of these photos where they just lovingly stare @ each other.

^Holding on to her girl.

^Whispering Secrets/Snogging



  1. Kristin..just more amazing pics!!! I just love the first pick with Leighton's hand and can those pants she's wearing in the third one get any tighter? MMMMMM I just might have to see ;)
    Have you ever watched Entourage? Leighton has guest stared on there a few times and looked VERY HOT! Keep the pics coming.. Kara XO

  2. I watched yesterdays episode of Entourage tonight! Good show. :) Yes her pants are very tight. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Hehehe. ;)

  3. they are sweet. i don't know if there's anything sexual going on there, but they are certainly romantic with one another. i had a friend like that once. we were v. romantic and intimate but not at all sexual. either way, i love them both. beautiful gals.
